AFCC statement on CAP after 2020: fresh focus needed on sustainable food, jobs, growth, and innovation

All European citizens rely on, and greatly benefit from, a well-functioning and competitive agri-food sector that provides safe, nutritious and high quality agricultural products, as well as sustainable, affordable food produced in the EU.

Therefore, the future CAP should ensure:

  • support to European agriculture to deliver high quality agricultural  products, as well as public goods and services;
  • a viable rural environment and stable employment for the 40 million people working in the agri-food chain, while continuing to generate growth and jobs in the EU;
  • further coordination and development of synergies with other policy areas such as research and the digital single market, facilitating the uptake of new advances and innovation;
  • the uptake, development and promotion of the use of new information and communication technologies (ICT) and broadband, particularly relevant to improve the sector’s performance;
  • that new advances and innovation uptake and use will strongly contribute to drive growth and development in the agricultural sector, and improve the competitiveness and resource efficiency of the entire food chain;
  • a balanced approach to sustainability in its three pillars: economic, environmental and social;
  • that the agri-food chain operators can deliver climate-friendly products whilst meeting EU climate and energy targets.

As a result we believe that the CAP can further contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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